Kevin Ho

Senior Instructor

Kevin is a Stott Certified Pilates Instructor who has been teaching Pilates in Hong Kong for 15 years and now in Canada. With almost two decades of experience as a swimming coach, he recognizes Pilates as an excellent exercise for strengthening the inner core and muscles to restore body alignment, alleviate body pain, and improve sports performance.

Kevin's primary focus is resolving muscle pain caused by poor posture or overuse of muscles. He is also a certified NKT (Neuro Kinetic Therapy) practitioner with the technique of identifying muscle weakness and immobilized joints that require strengthening, release, and corrective movement patterns. By combining his NKT technique with Pilates workouts, he can effectively program exercises tailored to individual needs, resulting in better outcomes.

Stott Pilates Certified Instructor

Stott Certified Pre/ Postnatal, Injury and Special Population Pilates Instructor

Neuro Kinetic Therapy level 2 Certified

Certified Anti-Gravity Fitness Instructor

Certified AASFP & ITPFA Advance Personal Trainer

Anatomy Trains in Motion & Slings in Motion level 2 Certified

Hong Kong Swimming Teacher Association Certified Instructor


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