Silvia Vigliaturo

Senior Instructor

Silvia was born in Italy, where she took her Physiotherapy University Degree. She worked as a physiotherapist in hospitals, where she helped patients recover from surgeries.

Her journey into the Pilates world began in Hong Kong in 2009. She was looking for an exercise methodology that could provide a safe and beneficial whole-body movement experience to individuals afflicted by chronic or temporary health conditions, and she found it in Pilates.

She completed her Polestar Pilates Mat, Reformer, and Studio/Rehab training certifications in China. She worked in Shanghai as a Physio/Pilates practitioner, first in an international clinic and then in one of the most recognized Pilates & Gyrotonic studios. She soon realized the extraordinary effects of the constant practice of Pilates. Not only her injured clients recovered fast and completely, but also clients who wanted to get back in shape without risking hurting themselves with random exercises were enthusiastic.

During a holiday break in Italy, she had the chance to take a Gyrotonic class, and she was amazed! Another excellent method of exercise can provide a superb body movement experience. She did not hesitate to start her Gyrotonic training and took her final certification in Singapore. She moved to Canada in 2022.

Silvia has been in the sports and fitness world since she was 4 years old and strongly believes proper exercise is the best medicine ever.

Polestar PILATES Mat/Reformer/Rehab Certified Instructor

Pre/Postnatal Pilates Specialist

Certified OOV Pilates Instructor

Certified MOTR Pilates Instructor

Gyrotonic Level 1 & 2 Certified Practitioner

Gyrokinesis Level 1 Certified Practitioner


Certified KINESIO TAPING Practitioner

Certified TRX Instructor


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